Lock перевод на русский язык

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D >

Ты закрыл машину? ☰

The door will not lock.

Дверь не запирается. ☰

The lock d >

Замок не поддавался. ☰

The key fits the lock.

Ключ точно подходит к замку. ☰

Lock the cat in the kitchen.

Закрой кота на кухне. ☰

The file is locked for editing.

Этот файл заблокирован для редактирования. ☰

The lock is dismounted.

Замок не на месте. ☰

The lock is tricky to open.

Этот замок сложно открыть. ☰

The vessel was locked in ice.

Судно застряло во льдах. ☰

He forgot to lock the car.

Он забыл запереть машину. ☰

They locked their hands.

Их руки сплелись. ☰

I'll leave you to lock up.

Я попрошу тебя всё запереть. ☰

The wheels suddenly locked.

Колеса неожиданно /вдруг, внезапно/ заклинило. ☰

Squirt some oil in the lock.

Налейте в замок немного масла. ☰

I hope this key fits the lock.

Я надеюсь, что этот ключ подходит к замку. ☰

Lock the door on your way out.

Когда будешь выходить — запри дверь. ☰

She locked her jewels in the safe.

Она заперла драгоценности в сейфе. ☰

Don't forget to lock the garage door.

Не забудьте запереть дверь гаража. ☰

The lock snapped shut

Be sure to lock the doors.

Обязательно запри двери. ☰

Lock the bike to the fence.

Пристегните велосипед к ограде. ☰

They were locked in embrace.

Они были заключены в объятиях. ☰

His teeth were locked together.

Он стиснул зубы. ☰

The key turned stiffly in the lock.

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Ключ с трудом провернулся в замке. ☰

The key turned and grated in the lock.

Ключ повернулся и заскрежетал в замке. ☰

in a hurry to lock the door

спеша запереть дверь ☰

fasten the lock onto the door

приделайте замок на дверь ☰

I need to fit a lock on the door.

Мне нужно установить на дверь замок. ☰

Don't forget to lock up the warehouse.

Читайте также  Как открыть дверь изнутри без ключа

Не забудьте запереть склад. ☰

Don't forget to lock up when you leave.

Не забудь всё запереть, когда будешь уходить. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was locked in a laughing fit ☰

I can't get this drawer to lock. ☰

He locked his hands around her neck ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.

Lock On — Éditeur Ubisoft Développeur Eagle Dynamics Version 1.0 (Lock On) : Décembre 2003 1.1 (Lock On: Flaming Cliffs) : Avril 2005 1.2 (Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2) : Avril 2010 Genre Simulateur … Wikipédia en Français

Lock — Lock, n. [AS. loc inclosure, an inclosed place, the fastening of a door, fr. l[=u]can to lock, fasten; akin to OS. l[=u]kan (in comp.), D. luiken, OHG. l[=u]hhan, Icel. l[=u]ka, Goth. l[=u]kan (in comp.); cf. Skr. ruj to break. Cf. .] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Lock — Lock, v. t. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] 1. To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock; to make fast; to prevent free movement of; as, to lock a door, a carriage wheel, a river, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. To prevent ingress or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

lock — lock1 [läk] n. [ME < OE loc, a bolt, bar, enclosure, prison, akin to Ger loch, a hole, ON lok, a l >English World dictionary

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Lock — may refer to:* Lock (surname)Mechanical devices* Lock (device), a mechanical device used to secure possessions * Lock (firearm), the ignition mechanism used on early projectile weapons * Lock (water transport), an enclosure in a navigable canal… … Wikipedia

Lock On — Entwickler Eagle Dynamics Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia

Lock up — can refer to:* Lock up provision, a corporate finance term * Lock up period, a term concerning initial public offerings of stock * Lock Up (US band), an American rock band, featuring guitarist Tom Morello during his pre Rage Against the Machine… … Wikipedia

lock — Ⅰ. lock [1] ► NOUN 1) a mechanism for keeping a door or container fastened, typically operated by a key. 2) a similar device used to prevent the operation of a vehicle or other machine. 3) a short section of a canal or river with gates and… … English terms dictionary

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lock-up — ˈlock up adjective FINANCE 1. lock up agreement/​pact an agreement by which money is invested in such a way that it cannot be used for a period of time 2. lock up period a period of time during which money is invested in such a way that it cannot … Financial and business terms

Lock — Lock, Shock y Barrel Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lock, Shock y Barrel son tres personajes ficticios de la famosa obra de Tim Burton, Nightmare Before Christmas. Son los tres niños más bromistas de ciudad de Halloween. Van siempre en su bañera… … Wikipedia Español

lock-up — lock ups also lockup 1) N COUNT A lock up is the same as a jail. [AM, INFORMAL] . the 450 inmates at the maximum security lock up in Lucasville. 2) N COUNT A lock up is a garage that is used by someone, but is not next to their house. [BRIT]… … English dictionary

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имя существительное

  • замок castle lock chateau lock-hospital
  • запор constipation lock latch hasp fastener fastening
  • шлюз gateway lock sluice gate floodgate hatch
  • затвор gate shutter bolt seal lock plug
  • стопор stopper stop detent lock catch plug
  • зажим clamp clip jaw grip clasp lock
  • локон curl lock ringlet swirl heartbreaker link
  • затор congestion mash traffic jam logjam block lock
  • гать causeway dike levee lock causey dam
  • венерологическая лечебница lock lock-hospital
  • волосы hair locks wig wool lock hackles
  • пучок sheaf bundle bunch tuft bun lock
  • клок lock
  • щеколда latch heck catch lock
  • плотина dam weir dike barrage dyke lock
  • чека pin cotter linchpin lock chock peg
  • останов stop arrester lock dog
  • захват 'на ключ' lock


  • запирать lock shut lock up pawl latch bar
  • замыкаться close lock become reserved be frozen up
  • замыкать close lock
  • соединять unite connect join combine put together lock
  • тормозить brake inhibit slow down hamper retard lock
  • сжимать compress squeeze clench contract constrict lock
  • стискивать clench squeeze fasten lock set vise
  • сплетать weave entwine intertwine splice interlace lock
  • шлюзовать sluice lock
  • запирать на замок lock
  • запираться на замок lock
  • When the Fianna Fáil man, from the 14th lock on the Grand Canal, got his hands on the booty he didn't forget his own and his own won't forget him now.
  • He took a lock of my hair and brought it to his lips.
  • she pushed back a lock of hair
  • I have seen all Albermarle Street closed by a lock of carriages
  • I was bent over to move my steering lock and I got pushed from behind.
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